Take the leap to PADI Professional

Whether you are looking to start a career in diving or just want to become a PADI pro for the fun and challenge of it, we can get you there with a challenging and enjoyable training program.

Go Pro

If you’re just starting to explore the world of diving, you might wonder what we mean by “Go Pro” and how someone turns their love of diving into a career. Getting the proper training is crucial. A recreational diver will take diver level PADI dive courses and then move on to PADI professional courses.


Where to Begin

The Divemaster course is the first step in going pro and becoming a PADI Professional. The course is designed to train qualified rescue divers in how to control, manage and supervise groups of divers. Upon successful completion of the course, the student is certified as a PADI Divemaster and qualifies for PADI membership. Opening up opportunities for employment at PADI Dive Centers and PADI Resorts all over the world!

The Open Water Scuba Instructor course is where you learn about teaching people how to dive and keep everyone safe. As part of your Instructor training you will also become an Emergency First Response Instructor. Becoming a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor opens up an entire new world, where you can share your love of diving with others! Kraken Scuba’s Instructor Development Course (IDC) will equip you for the 2-day PADI Instructor Exam (IE), as well as for confidently joining the ranks of scuba instructors who get to teach new and advanced divers anywhere in the world.

Diving in the Northeast is not easy diving, which means completing your professional training with us will greatly improve your dive skills and have you more than ready to work as a Divemaster or Instructor no matter where you go. Plus, you will have fun doing your training as part of the Kraken Krew!

Instructor Development Course (IDC) Divemaster Course

What is Involved

Independent Study & Classroom Sessions

PADI Professional courses consist of independent study that is mostly completed online at your own pace. We then meet for a series of classroom sessions to review study material, dicuss different teaching scenarios and assist with classroom sessions for PADI recreational courses.





Skill Practice & Pool Sessions

Being a PADI professional means being able to perform all the skills from the Open Water certification course in demonstration quality. We will spend time in the pool shadowing and assisting with PADI recreational courses and practicing all the skills to make you confident and able to help others learn them.




Assisting with Lake Dives & Classes

When Kraken Scuba is at the Lake for fun dives or PADI recreational courses there are PADI Pros doing many different tasks. As part of your training you will take part in surface support, dive site set up, leading dives, assisting with courses, and taking part in rescue demos. PADI Instructors have the opportunity to assist with many different specialty courses.




Shop Internship

To prepare you for the opportunity to work for PADI Dive Centers or Resorts anywhere in the world you will spend some time at the Kraken Scuba shop learning various parts of a PADI Dive Center. From tank fills and compressor use, to gear information and sales, to helping manage the rental gear. We will get you involved in everything that has to due with being a PADI Professional.



Instructor Development Course (IDC) Divemaster Course

