
Mike Rogan

Mike Rogan

Course Director, 188325

With the high ranking of Course Director, Mike can teach just about any PADI course. He loves passing on his teaching techniques mostly through Divemaster and Instructor courses. Mike also trains and works with many public safety dive teams and has experience in many types of diving.

Rob Keller

Rob Keller

IDC Staff Instructor, 331379

Rob is another one of our instructors who just loves to be in the water and enjoys introducing new diver to the underwater world. He is usually diving with a camera in hand as a way to share the wonders we see with others.

Anna Barfield

Anna Barfield

IDC Staff Instructor, 440309

Although Anna never thought she would become certified, it is now her favorite thing to do. She loves everything about diving so much that you can often hear her giggles underwater.

Phil Shappy

Phil Shappy

Master Scuba Diver Trainer, 292695

A wreck diving enthusiast, Phil also enjoys tec diving and completing deep trimix dives to see wrecks most divers don’t get to visit. As a Master Scuba Diver Trainer he can teach many specialty courses and always has good tips to share.

Jay Beck

Jay Beck

Master Scuba Diver Trainer, 440378

As one of our resident service technicians, Jay is often seen assisting with equipment at the lake. Being filled with enthusiasm and always ready to discuss diving, Jay has become one of the go-to guys at the dive site. He is always ready to get in the water.

Bryan Bourque

Bryan Bourque

Master Scuba Diver Trainer, 352061

Bryan greatly enjoys helping new divers in whatever way is most needed. He will get you through the little things and then go diving with you to experience the big things. Bryan is also an avid fisherman and loves diving to see all the wildlife that lives below the surface.

Steve Fingar

Steve Fingar

Master Scuba DIver Trainer, 240725

Our longest diver on staff, Steve was first certified in 1984 and has experience with many different types of diving and holds numerous certifications. He loves to dive the wrecks off North Carolina and you can always count on Steve to have extra hair ties and many great diving tips.

Nate Miglucci

Nate Miglucci

Open Water Scuba Instructor, 240758

As a lover of exploring the outdoors, Nate first tried scuba diving to continue that love and got hooked. He now enjoys helping introduce new divers to his love and continuing to explore the world beneath.

Lauri Spargo

Lauri Spargo

Divemaster, 417830

Lauri has been diving for years and has a love of the ocean unparalleled by many. She takes great pride in helping new students learn all the tips and tricks that make them real divers. Lauri can always be found with a bag for trash in hand and is lovingly referred to as an underwater vacuum cleaner, picking up trash all over the world one piece at time.

Jason Moore

Jason Moore

Divemaster, 440744

An enthusiastic fresh water diver, Jason loves the search & recovery side of diving. He is often seen coming out of the water with a lost anchor or antique bottle. Fresh water lakes have many treasures to find and Jason always has a lift bag ready.

Greg Goldstein

Greg Goldstein

Divemaster, 440730

Greg loves exploring new parts of Lake George in his free time and just enjoys the quiet of scuba diving. If you need a buddy to try a new dive site he is always up for an adventure!

Ross McGowan

Ross McGowan

Divemaster, 538514

(bio coming soon)

Michael Steurer

Michael Steurer

Divemaster, 640602

(bio coming soon)
