• Cozumel Mexico

Cozumel Mexico

April 26th - May 3rd, 2025
Scuba Club Cozumel

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

April 26th - May 3rd, 2025

8 day/7 night stay at Scuba Club Cozumel
Double Occupancy Room
Breakfast & Lunch Included
Transportation & Airfare Included
(pricing and final details coming soon)





The most beautiful coral formations!

Cozumel has some of the most amazing coral formations around from huge pillars to wide archways you are sure to be amazing by the structures around you. If you haven't been diving on Cozumel reef with coral swim throughs it is time you did!





Easy & close to town

  • 5 days of 2-tank morning dives
  • Unlimited shore diving
  • Breakfast & Lunch included
    • town is a 5 min walk & has many restaurants for dinner
  • airfare included
  • transportation to and from airport
  • Drift Diver Specialty Certification included






Sign-Up Coming Soon

As soon as we have the final details and pricing finalized, sign-ups will be open!


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